These past weeks have been a whirlwind for me (actually this whole year) and I'm determinded to make a "new house" resolution to blog more. Best change this year is our change in address :) Chris and I just moved into our first home and are super excited! I was laughing because my last blog was written 16 months ago and it was on moving as well...oh well, we bought the right house that God wanted us to have in His timing. Most of our life is still in boxes and some of it is still in our old place, but our laptop is unpacked (shocker) and our internet is up; no time like the present....
Here are some recent pics of all the kids with their Aunt Bella (my sister Michelle)

I like how Robbie is on the phone in the background....

That's it for now, time to arrange my furniture that just arrived today! Don't cry like Braedon, I'll post more soon.