This week I've been on vacation and it's been wonderful not having to
do anything or
go anywhere. The week has also revealed some shocking differences between men and women. My husband can clean like nobody's business. He could clean 3 rooms to my 1. I think it has to do with men's ability to focus on a single item. When I clean the kitchen I start on the dirty dishes... oh the milk needs to be put away... sweep the floor... did I turn off the water... Robbie's screaming and needs a Soph making her lunch for tomorrow...oh right I was doing the dishes. In this first year of marriage I think Chris and I need to focus on our strengths like his doing of the laundry and mine of folding it and putting it away in order to have a working house. Don't get me wrong, I totally know where women excel, kids. I could never take a picutre while my son looked like this.

Kinda pulls at your heartstrings doesn't it?
So if you didn't go anywhere, where were these pictures taken?
I love your baby and I've never even met him. Jack and I want to give him a big hug!
oh that's what you meant. The pics were taken in Cali. Robbie was hungry and tired. I was in the bathroom and Chris was taking pics of the nice hotel room...and his son crying on the nice hotel bed. I heard crying but I didn't Chris was ignoring him...or better taking pics!
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